The 2024-2025 school year will be a great year at General Sherman! At General Sherman our teachers and staff will continue to focus on academic student growth. Additionally, we will be having a renewed focus on student engagement and connections. We feel it very important for students to feel connected to their school and the adults they work with. It is equally important for students to feel connected to one another. In addition to the great things our teachers do in the classroom with State approved content, our staff will work to ensure that connections are positive and that students practice empathy and compassion with everyone they meet. We will continue to ask student to lead with their “R’s and P’s” (Respect, Responsibility, Preparation, Positivity).
In short, the Sherman Way is to Be Kind, Be Ready and Be Great!
Be Kind- Treat everyone and everything the way you want to be treated. Respect & Positivity
Be Ready- Show up ready to work and ready to have great success every day. Responsibility & Preparation
Be Great- Do Your Best! Positivity, Preparation, Respect & Responsibility
Have a great year!
Nelson Karshner, Principal
General Sherman Junior High