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Library Media Center

Welcome to
General Sherman School Library
Library Hours     7:30 until 2:30 Daily
Library Books
Fiction - arranged alphabetically by the author’s last name.
Nonfiction - arranged numerically by subject.
Biography - arranged alphabetically by subject.
Reference - on center shelves - borrowed for  the school day.



Please use soft voices in the Library!
Please use shelf marks to keep your place while browsing for books!
Books may be borrowed for two weeks. They may be renewed for an additional two weeks.
Please return books before they are due!








General Sherman Computer Labs
Lab A is a thin client lab located just inside the main library door.
Lab B is a lab with individual towers located near the atrium windows.
Lab C is a thin client lab located in the 6th grade area.
Each lab has 29 student computers and one teacher computer.
Everyone using school computers must have signed a user agreement.
School computers are to be used for school assignments only.